Welcome to Tokyo-Tokyo.com Get-To-Know Japanese Phrases. When meeting Japanese in a club, shot-bar, at an izakaya (Japanese style drinking and eating place), restaurant, it is always good to be able to converse in a manner where both or group can ask each other questions to better get-to-know each other or better get acquainted.  Usually they are always the same questions so if you know these phrases you will have a great time getting-to-know Japanese and easily become friends or even more. 

Japanese Phrases for Getting-to-Know Someone
English Phase
Japanese Polite Translation
Japanese Friendly Translation
How are you? Konichiwa?  
Are you good?. Genki desu ka?  
Are you a student? Anata wa gakusei desu ka?  
No I am not, I am a office worker. Nai desu, oeru desu.  
What is your Job? Shigoto wa, nan desu ka? Shigoto wa nani shiteru?
I am an environmental engineer. Shigoto wa kankyo gijutsusha desu.  
I am an environmental scientist. Shigoto wa kagakusha desu.  
I am a doctor. Shigoto wa isha desu.  
I am a professor. Shigoto wa kyouju desu.  
I am an economics professor. Shigoto wa keizai no kyouju desu.  
I am a math professor. Shigoto wa sugaku no kyouju desu.  
I am a science professor. Shigoto wa kagaku no kyouju desu.  
I am a geography professor. Shigoto wa jimbungaku/chirigaku no kyouju desu.  
I am a history professor. Shigoto wa rekishi no kyouju desu.  
I am a physical education teacher. Shigoto wa taiiku no kyouju desu.  
I am a home economics teacher. Shigoto wa kaseigaku no kyouju desu.  
I am a foreign language professor. Shigoto wa gogaku no kyouju desu.  
I am an architect. Shigoto wa kenshikugakusha desu.  
I am a psychology professor. Shigoto wa shinrigaku no kyouju desu.  
I am a businessman. Watashi wa salariman desu.  
What is your major? Anata no senkou wa nani desu ka?  
What will you major in? Nani o senkou wa shimasuka?  
What did you major in? Nani o senkou wa shimashitaka?  
I will study math. Watashi wa sugaku o benkyo shimasu.  
I studied math. Watashi wa sugaku o benkyo shimashita?  
I am studying math? Watashi wa sugaku o benkyo shiteimasu.  
I am studying business. Watashi wa keiei o benkyo shiteimasu.  
Are you nervous?. Anata wa kincho shiteiru desu ka?  
I am nervous. Kincho suru desu.  
I was nervous. San nen ikimasu.  
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