Welcome to Tokyo-Tokyo.com Japanese Phrases for Relating to Kitchen and Food. Japanese are connoisseurs of fine dining whether at a Restaurant or at home.  This page is general for home cooking and food preparation. It is always recommended to be polite and grateful to the person preparing the food, especially for Japanese because they really take ownership in the preparation of food and not only strive for the perfect taste but also for the perfect look as though it is a piece of art.  The below table lists a number of phrases relating to food and food preparation. 

Japanese Phrases for Kitchen and Food
English Phase
Japanese Polite Translation
Japanese Friendly Translation
What are you cooking? Nani o ryouri shimasu ka? Nani o ryouri suru no?
What are you making? Nani o tsukuri masu ka? Nani o tsukuru no?
What did you cook? Nani o ryouri shimasushitaka? Nani o ryourishita?
What are you baking? Nani o yaite imasuka? Nani o yaku?
I am making spaghetti Spaghetti o tsukeimasu.  
I am frying fish.. Sakana o agete imasu. (ageru = to fry) Sakana o agete.
I am baking a cake. Kaiki o yaite imasu. Kaiki o yaite.
I will bake a cake.. Kaiki o yakimasu. Kaiki o yaku.
Whose turn to wash the dishes? Osara o arau noha dareno ban desu ka?  
The dishwasher is broken? Osara araiki ga kowalemashita. Osara araiki ga kowaleta.
The refrigerator is not working well. Raizoko no choushiga warui.  
I am baking a chicken. Tori o yaite imasu. Tori o yaite.
I will fry some chicken. Tori o agemasu. Tori o ageru.
The floor was greasy. Yuka ga abura de yogororeta.  
The floor is greasy. Yuka ga abura de yogorete iru.  
I will wash the floor today. Kiyo yuka o souji shimasu. Kiyo yuka o souji suru.
I will clean the windows today. Kyo mado o souji suru.  
I cleaned the windows yesturday. Kino mado o souji shimashita. Kino mado o souji shita.
Are you going to clean the windows today?

Kiyo mado o souji shimasuka? or

Kiyo mado o kirei ni shimasuka?

I will sweep the floor today.. Kiyo yuka o haku.  
How long will you be staying in America? Donokurai America ni taizai shimasuka?  
How long will you be gone for? Donokurai ikimasuka?  
I will be there for 5 days. Itsuka kan ikimasu. Itsuka desu.
I will be there for 1 week. Ishukan ikimasu. Ishukan desu.
I will be there for 3 years. San nen ikimasu. San nen desu.
I will be there for 1 Month. Ikagetsu kan ikimasu. Ikagetsu desu.
Where are you going. Doko ni ikimasuka? Doko ni iku no?
I am going to America. Amerika ni ikimasu. America desu.
Where in America are you going? Amerika no doko ni ikimasuka?  
How many times have you been to America? Nankai Amerika ni itta koto ga arimasuka?  
I have never been to America. America ni itta koto ga arimasen.  
It is my first time going to America. Konkai ga hajimete desu.  
Have a good/nice trip. Yoi tabi o.  
Good luck/take care Kyoskete.  
See you when you get back. Matta kaetta tokini  (aimasho)  
When are you leaving? Itsu ikimasuka?  
I am leaving tomorrow. Ashita kaerimasu.  
When are you returning? itsu kaerimasuka?  
I am returning next week. raishu modorimasu (kaerimasu)  
Did you buy your airplane tickets yet? Mo hikoki no ticketo wa kaimashitaka?  
Did you buy your train tickets yet? Mo densha no ticketo wa kaimashitaka?  
Did you make your airline reservations yet? Mo hikoki o yoyaku shimasutaka?  
Did you make you train reservations yet? Mo densha o yoyaku shimasutaka?  
Did you make your travel arrangements yet? Mo ryokou no yotei o tatemashitaka?  
Did you make your travel plans yet? Mo ryokou no yotei o tatemashitaka?  
Will you be going on any tours? Nani ka tour ni ikimasuka? Tour ni iku?
Will you be going sightseeing? Kankouni ikimasuka? Kankouni iku?
I went sightseeing. Kankouni ikimasu. Kankouni itta.
I went on a nature tour. Natur tour ni ikimashita. Natur tour ni itta.
When will you return to Japan? Itsu Nihon ni kaerimasuka?  
When will you go to Japan? Itsu Nihon ni iki masuka?  
I went swimming. Oyogini ikimasushita. Oyogini itta.
I went to the beach. Beach ni ikimashita. Beach itta.
I saw the Eiffel Tower. Effl tower o mimashita. Effl tower o mita.
I went scuba diving.   Scuba diving ni ikimashita. Scuba diving ni itta.
I rented a car and drove around. Kuruma o rental shite mawario unten shimashita.  
I went dancing. Odori ni ikimashita.  
I went drinking. Nomini ikimashita.  
I went to a local restaurant. Jimoto no restaurant ni ikimashita.  
I went shopping. Kaimono ni ikimashita. Kaimono itta.
I bought many things. Takusan kaimashita.  
I went to the city zoo. Dobutsuen ni ikimashita.  
It takes 5 hours by airplane. Hikoki de go jikan desu.  
It takes 3 hours by car. Kuruma de san jikan desu.  
It takes 30 minutes by foot. Arui de san ji fun desu.  
I made reservations leaving on September 30 and Returning on October 20. Kugatsu san ju niichi ni shupatsu de ju gatsu hatsuka ni modoru yoyaku o shimashita. Kugatsu san ju niichi ni shupatsu de ju gatsu hatsuka ni modoru yoyaku o shita.
I will be travelling next week. Raishu ryokou ni ikimasu.  
I will be out of town next week. Raishu machi o de mas.  
The taxi driver ripped me off. Taxi no untenshu ga watashi o damashimashita (damashita) Taxi no untenshu ga watashi o damashita.
Please come back soon. Hyaku modote kurasai  
I will miss you. Sabishi desu.  
Can I go with you? Ishoni ite i desu ka?  
Do you want to go with me to France? France ni boku to iketai desuka?  
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